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tv   FOX 5 News at 10  FOX  September 24, 2015 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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for a limited time, ddperks members can get any size dark roast coffee for 99 cents. ddperks. that's loyalty. america runs on dunkin'. good morning. what can i get for you? a medium hot coffee, cream and two sugars, please? two sugars -- sounds good. at dunkin', we make your coffee just the way you like it. on the spot. that's the dd commitment.
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[cheers and applause] >> a joyous welcome for pope francis on the streets of new york city, he waived to crowds from his fiat. upper east side, a live look now at scene outside of the upper east side townhouse where the pope is staying. dari: he is getting much needed rest after a busy day, the pope arrived at jfk airport just after 5:00, then a military helicopter on the way to st. patrick's cathedral. steve: thousands got a glimpse of the pontiff. dari: the service got underway around 7:00 this evening. pope stopping on his way to
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linda schmidt has been at st. pat's all day long, she is here with more, did you get a good look at him. >> reporter: i could not have had a better seat if i was inside, i have to tell you, from a personal point of view, this could not have been any better, this was an experience like no other. seeing the holy father come and the pope mobile in fifth avenue in front of st. patrick's cathedral, we were 25 feet at most away, once he was inside, cardinal dolan said something simple everybody he said to pope francis issue he said, when you walk through the doors on fifth avenue, you officially became a new yorker, and everyone started laughing, he does have a good sense of humor, so does pope francis. go ahead look at the video from inside.
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people, it of the nun and deacons, retired clergy priests and lay people, the pope talked about topics that we're familiar with from him, service to the church, and helping the poor. helping immigrants, the child sex abuse scandal in the catholic church. he recognized women of the church. and all women. thanking them tonight for all they do. what would the church be without you? women of strength, fighters, with that spirit of courage, which puts you on the front lines in the proclamation of the gospel, to you religious women, sisters and mothers of this people, i wish to say thank you.
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moment for many women who i talked to after the service. here is a great story, i spoke with two women who were inside, they know each other but they had not seen each other in over 20 year, one of the woman reached her hand to the pope, he grabbed it and squeezed her hand, the other woman, she had not seen was near by, and grabbed her as this woman started to basically collapse from joy. listen to what they said tonight. >> i just said a prayer to moses, i said please part the waters,s next thing you know we were in center isle aisle and he squeezed my hand. >> reporter: what a powerful moment. >> overwhelming. i am humbled. >> reporter: when when the pope toucherredder he she was overjoyed.
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>> i was worried. >> a heard this voice, she was embracing me, saying you are okay. >> you are okay. >> what a great story. >> reporter: she is okay. he has a great story to carry with her now for her life. pope francis also blessed st. patrick's, and at the end, cardinal dolan said to him, thanks for coming by. come back real soon, that is latest from here back to you. >> thank you. steve: security in and around st. patrick's cathedral was tight. dari: and protection for the pope will be put to the test more. >> reporter: you make a good point, all of this was a first test for the city, and the comprehensive security plan that was put in place, tomorrow is a full day. we've seen high security situations here at st. patrick's but nothing like this. going to video of the pontiff
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leaving tonight. it allowed us an opportunity to catch some subtle things we see here, that maybe people don't catch that is a concern by secret service not just for people in crowd but a concern for who is in the buildings above. always monitoring who is there. if any window is accidentally opened, there was somebody unaware of the policy, they would very quickly let them know that window needs to be closed. it required 6,000 police officers, as part of that plan tomorrow, that begins with a busy day, general circumstance semply in town -- u.n. diswren rally general assembly in town means they are starting early. a lot that we do not normally see or -- that normally does not catch our eye, that is going on,
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tomorrow should run fairly smoothly. steve: thank you so much. >> upon his arriva in new york, pope francis was greeted by enthusiastic people at the airport, among them catholic schoolchildren that were chosen by the school diocese. >> he kissed me on the forehead, he gave he a handshake and a hug. >> i gave him a special bouquet, that is a booklet with all of the schools in this that got pick. >> he shook my hand, i said mucho gusto to him, he said mucho gusto back. steve: cool. dari: tonight the pope is trying to catch sleep in the papal residence on the upper east side, that is where we find sharon crowley. >> reporter: let's hope that the pope gets some sleep, we're told
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he gave an address to congress in washington, d.c. before coming to new york city even a vesper service, he must be exhausted. looking at in pictures, the motorcade arrived here before 9 p.m. this evening. we did not get a glimpse of him as linda schmidt and so many others did. because, the crowds were pushed pack, security very tight. i was told by nypd that the secret service handled his entry from the fiat that we've seen in. right into the building, literally 10 feet. they did to quickly as possible. the security around this townhouse here is incredible. just to give you a since of history, it is here on 72nd between madison and fifth, donated to archdiocese of new
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york in 1975, by relatives of hugh grant, not the actor but a former mayor of new york city in 1890. he is here with a representative from the vatican gel dat to the -- delegate to the u.n., and few other clergy. he only asked for water and bananas in his room, hopefully he will get much needed rest. this is a point of interest for many who live in this community. the streets have been blocked off, some people waited for hours, right before the pontiff made his way here, he was pushed back. let's hear from some of the people. >> he is our rock star. >> reporter: why are you here? >> we love the pope, it awesome. >> reporter: amazing. it is great he is here, and support he has while here. >> we've been here for a while trying to get a catch of him. >> reporter: now what do you think? have you heard anything he said or seen?
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>> no. it just really cool he is living down the block, like in our backyard. >> reporter: maybe, maybe, just maybe some of these lucky people will get to catch a glimpse of morning. to address the u.n., and service at 9/11 memorial, back to you. steve: a big day thank you sharon. >> and before coming to new york, pope visit the nation's capitol, it did not stick to a script. >> reporter: to a standing ovation, pope francis took the speaker's podium, and addresses congress this morning, the first pope to do so. >> i am most grateful for your invitation to address this joint session of congress. in the land of free and the home of the brave.
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>> reporter: the pope referred to dialogue and the common good, a call to congress and america to work together. >> we must move forward renew spirit of sold darety. >> reporter: he touched on the refugee crisis and immigration, asking americans to embrace the golden rule. >> do on to others as you would have them do on to you. >> the golden rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life, at the early stage ofs had development. >> reporter: the pope condemned the death penalty. >> unnecessary punishment must
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and the goal of rehabilitation. >> reporter: he also spoke about the poor and the need to address climate change. >> now is the time. >> reporter: but not direct leahy touched on gay -- directly, he also touched on gay marriage. >> called into question. as the very basis of marriage and the family. >> reporter: the pope made his way to the speaker's balcony where he greeted 50,000 americans on the west lawn. >> thank you very much, and god bless america. >> reporter: the pope left the capital taking his famous black fiat to st. patrick's church, where he had lunch with the homeless, "fox 5 news." dari: his visit to dc will not be only time that pope takes in politics. >> in morning he will address
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the themes with global implication. dari: and his pope is not only holiness in new york, why these two nypd officers are trending. steve: pope touring town or it what has people thinking he arrived a little bit ahead of
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dari: let's look ahead to the pope's schedule for the rest of his visit,8:30, bee will address u.n. general assembly, and 11:30, a service, at 9/11 memorial museum. at 4 in the afternoon, he will visit our lady queen of angels school, in east harlem. from there a procession through central park at 5:00, and then a mass at at -- msg at 6:45. the pope's speech to the general
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assembly tomorrow to last about 30 minutes ago. steve: dan bowens with more on what we can expects. >> reporter: friday will be pope francis' first full day in new york city, a busy day, starting at united nations, to speak before general assembly, it is described as a historic opportunity, at a historic time, the 70th anniversary of united nations, and the appearance and attendance of pope francis, guaranteed to make this a special event. pope francis will be fourth pontiff to speak before the u.n. the vatican said that speech will last about 30 minutes, given in spanish. pope francis to touch on several climate change. in june, holy father delivered environment.
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>> and a call to abullish -- abolish nuclear weapons. he will speak at a past pastor. and prophet. he will discuss other issues near to his heart. >> he would like to take care of some of the issues that really plague the world. today. like immigration also solidarity with the people who are in need. he will talk about peace because his predecessors talk about you know doing away with war. >> reporter: pope francis joins a unique club of pontiffs to speak at united nations, first was pope paul v i, that was 50
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john paul ii also conveyed message of peace. this area here, in 40s on east side of manhattan on first avenue is shut down to traffic, tomorrow, throughout next week with 90% of world's leaders in town, you can expect that will be the same. the vatican flag will be raised above the united nations for the first time in history, pope francis said he does not want this to be a big ceremony, that pope revered hear his humbleness, he wants it to be simple back to you. steve: thank you, fa -- joining us father tom thomas burg. your reacted, we were with you tonight during vesper service. you seemed have been blown away. >> that will be a homily that the holy father gave to go back and meditate on.
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the abuse crisis, he reached out to women told them how the pillar they are in the church. and i guess we're all kind of amazed at how energized he is too after a long day. i am thinking tomorrow, what we came clear today is that, this is not trip is not about climate change. you know. so not about climate change. he steps on that stage tomorrow at u.n. as world's moral compass. like no other religious leader can really do. his job is to prick people's consciouses. he talked about his concern of the nuclear family, a clear moment speaking to congress. tomorrow it will be concern about world family, we could do a better job of protects will dignity of human life.
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he talked about the dignity of human life in those who are on death row. his opposition to the death penalty. might hear a repeat of that tomorrow. i think tomorrow we'll hear a huge message almost insisting that world leaders be much more proactive in doing something about the refugee crisis in at least, and a big message about religious freedom. steve: i think the way he defies our political definition is powerful. >> i am sure people with a score card today, or that was for the progressive, and for the conservative, and democrats. you cannot put this holy father in a box. as soon as you do, he will get out. someone said, they are worried he is a progressive, and a communist it is worse, he is a
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a disciple of jesus. dari: he has shown he wants to be a relynn out religious leader to all people, at least embrace them. >> he is fully entering into his role, which has become the role of popes to be a moral compass for the whole world, point of reference for everyone. he knows it. and he is in a very nonconfrontational way he gets a jab in. dari: he is good at tweaking. thank you so much father. >> thank you. dari: no surprise that the pope is the top trending topic on social media.
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dari: and these nuns, they almost never leave weather brock line monastery -- brooklyn monastery, why they made such a special dunkin' donuts' dark roast coffee
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is deliciously roasted for a bold start and smooth finish. for a limited time, ddperks members can get any size dark roast coffee for 99 cents. ddperks. that's loyalty.
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[ cheers and applause ] a wave of game-day excitement is rolling into dunkin'. taste the new tailgater breakfast sandwich, stacked with smoked sausage, fire-roasted peppers, and onions. america runs on dunkin'. steve: a fun moment today, a fair of nypd officers having fun in hours before the pope's
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two officers whose last names are pope and francis. thank you for keeping us safe there. dari: we appreciate it. >> and it was not just police tweeting about the pope's arrival. steve: simone boyce has been following all of the excitement, on social media. >> reporter: we know his holiness is very social media savvy with over 7 million followers on twitter. let's look here. the sea of screens in midtown. everyone trying to catch a glimpse, roar a little bit of -- record a little bit of pope's present, not a good time to be caught with an old cell phone. well everyone is feeling the pope's positivity, his peace,
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the presence he is spreading, lynn, tweeting this world is in need of this awesome pope, americans need him, he is incredible. and the papal visitor our cauliflower -- encouraging tourism to nyc. it is so beautiful. he also acknowledged women in the catholic church, joanne hill noted, nuns smiling and spreading love. i have to say our team has been killing it all day long with extensive coverage, linda schmidt catching this incredible footage of pope francis coming out of st. patrick's cathedral, how lucky am i to be this close? indeed. this might be my favorite
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aspect. her dog spartacus is ready to see pope francis, hash tag pope, dogs are trending all over the internet. this is tricked out. the popemobile. well the pope has not tweeted anything about new york city yet, he has been very busy, last tweet was about his visit to cuba. it would be cool to get a shout out to new york city before he lives. steve: interesting, maybe you will see them, that is the goal, nice run down. we appreciate it. >> love spartacus. steve: meet the nuns who have spent most of their adult walls
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-- monastery in wow, time warner cable really upgraded their network. 300 meg internet, clearer picture.
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racing heritage. all of our pioneering four wheel drive experience. come together in one amazing new vehicle. this is the all-new gle coupe. a mercedes-benz suv with the heart and soul of a race car. dari: just about an hour and a half ago, the pope's motorcade
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he is resting up for a busy day. steve: sharon crowley there now with a look ahead. >> reporter: it can only be described as a fortress surrounding this townhouse on upper east side, roads have been blocked off. police barricades are everywhere. my photographer pans up. let's hope that the holy father is sleeping now, i am told he wakes up at 4:30 in the morning, he had such a busy day today, addressing congress in washington d.c. before comes to new york city, and having a vesper this evening. i wish i could tell you we got a glimpse of the pontiff, we did not, secret service was in charge of handling him, getting him out of the that fiat. nestled between those large suvs.
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i mentioned that townhouse donated to archdiocese in '70s, by relatives of a family a former mayor of new york city in 1890, hugh grant. we hope that pope francis is asleep in the residence, he is hosted by a delegate by the vatican to the u.n., he has a very busy day tomorrow, hopefully he will get some rest. i'll send it back to you 92 i saw him -- >> i saw him today it was eciting. dari: this evening we met two sisters who were granted a once in a lifetime opportunity, they met pope francis in person, they welcomed pontiff to his papal residence, and presented him with flowers, we helped them practice their papal greetings earlier.
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>> welcome to new york your holiness. >> that sounds good to me. >> he will say in italian. >> you are going to say it in it displit would italian it? would you like to practice there okay. dari: a are grand nieces of that man. steve: if you don't have a ticket to see the pope, you might not need one a lot of people on upper east side got a look at his motorcade. here. >> reporter: select people were lucky enough to secure tickets to see the pope in person, for some it was a realnetwork network moment as his holiness drive by right here on east 66th street. the tickets to see the holy father in limited supply.
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some small capping small capping -- scalp be them, but the crowd on the streets upper east side, a small dose of patience, paid big dividends. no ticket necessary. like robin who weighted 20 minutes. >> we got caught up in it. >> we were at chipotle issue we saw barricade, we waited. >> it was exciting, i called my mom. >> and his friend erin. >> he is such a awesome pope. >> reporter: this drive by moment was very special. >> i waited about an hour it was worth it, it was exciting. >> i believe in what the pope said, i believe he is a good man. >> reporter: the magic of the papal present transsented
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catholic but they were in awe nonetheless. >> it was fabulous. >> reporter: this felt like a true moment of divine intervention. >> i was walking on the street, i didn't know he was coming this way. >> figured it out for me, it was cool. >> hello pope! "fox 5 news." steve: that is my video going to pope! check it out, it was very fascinating to see, awesome day. now, the doe have you on the -- nuns that mayor rarely leave their monastery. the sisters are from argentina. >> to see the pope. to meet him, this is the reason. if i don't have to go to see him, i don't -- it does not
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>> for me, it is a great, impossible to explain. it is the joy. dari: i get it. >> absolutely wow. steve: all 4 sisters will see pope francis off when he leaves new york saturday morning. dari: a faux pope in times square. >> new york city public school
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steve: four people dead, dozens of others injured after a duck tour bus collided with a tour bus. it is the duck boat appeared to lose control, causing it to slam to the bus carrying college students, the ntsb trying to
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dari: a horrifying stampede left more than 700 muslim pilgrimsed dead. this happened during one of the last rituals of the hajj. called stoning the devil, that is attended by nearly to million muslims, hundreds have died during the same ceremony in past years. steve: new york city public schoolkids had the day off, it was not because of the pope, they were closed to observe the muslim holiday, the feast of sacrifice. all right, do you think you saw the pope in times square. dari: nope, it was not he. this is a wax likeness that caused a huge frenzy that had the nypd investigating.
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house moved to tears in the presence of the pope, but first a look at today a be headlines. >> reporter: if you are looking to buy a home, a 30-year fixed rate mortgage falling this week 3. quakes 86% -- 3.86%, that might explain why new home sales are beginning to percolate, so far, sales are up more than 20%. >> caterpillar is handing out a lot of pink slips, they could cut more than 10,000 jobs, over the next few years, around 5,000 salary management positions are expected to be cut by the end of this year. >> and when it comes to lebron james, sports fans love him or hate him, the nba super star is america's favorite sports star, but in the same poll, he is also the vote least favorite.
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i get that all the time. that's business, i am neil cavuto. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? you got to know when to hold'em. know when to fold 'em. know when to walk away. know when to run. you never count your money, when you're sitting at the ta... what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. this is a story about doers, the artificial heart, electric guitars and rockets to the moon. it's the story of america- land of the doers. doin' it. did it. done. doers built this country.
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the dams and the railroads. john henry was a steel drivin' man hmm, catchy. they built the golden gates and the empire states. and all this doin' takes energy -no matter who's doin'. there's all kinds of doin' up in here. or what they're doin'. what the heck's he doin? energy got us here. and it's our job to make sure there's enough to keep doers doin' the stuff doers do... to keep us all doin' what we do. we are the largest and most diverse school district in america! yet we are one! one point one million students! one thousand eight hundred schools! sharing one common goal. help all kids succeed. we're new york city public school teachers. taking learning to the next level. and parents and the community are on board! all coming together... one. to celebrate the passion and promise of our public schools. i'm michael mulgrew, president of the united federation of
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steve: while the pope was still in washington this morning a very life like wax figure of the pope was introduced this morning. a lot of people were fooled. >> here he is. >> reporter: after 5:00 p.m., the real pope arrived in new york city. before 10:00 a.m., another pope, this one made of wax. >> you are not supposed to touch it. >> are we going to get in trouble for this figure? >> reporter: they received no punishment. pictures of his synthetic holiness six lated on mead -- circulated on media, someone
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discovered the waxy papa belonginged to madame tussaud's. >> they have no plans for taking their wax pope out for another ride while the real pope is in town. steve: i woke up this morning with people tweeting about that, it looks so life like. russ: when gorbachev visited, we had a look alike, he had him standing in front of the building, the motorcade went by, the car screeched to a halt, it was funny. steve: wow. >> the russian mission is just here it was funny. russ: i digress tomorrow, just as nice. nick: all computer door evens and -- all out door events, no
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problem, a beautiful day, sunshine coming up, cooler, it goes to hit low 80s in area, warmer. 60 low this morning about mid 70s tomorrow afternoon. looking good. 72 and 58, average high, and low this time. record high 89, record low 40, yeah 40, they are getting down there 6:46 sunrise, not that bad. a clear sky. light easterly wind. pressure is rising. all right, as we look outside fox 5 see guardian showing nothing because we are clear. 82 for high in city, and low 80 in poughkeepsie as well. 75 in belmar, and 70s to bridgeport, 80 in islip, and right now lower 70s in city, you jump away from town, it cools down to 50s.
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and we are looking for light-east wind, i think that will return tomorrow, and bring the temperature down a little bit. that wind coming in off of the ocean, mid 70s tomorrow, right now 62, albany to boston, and mid to upper 60s to williamsport to pittsburgh. 70 in washington, d.c. there are those high clouds, streaking across the sky, no big deal. it will be battle of the systems into weekend. i have been telling but this system to the south, forming into a some type of a storm center, we'll keep an eye on that, but high pressure will ridge down, so, it will try to fight this off for a good chunk of the week, i still think we'll run a risk of showers, sunday night to a portion of monday, true south of new york city, but. more sunday now should be more of a nicer day. all right 101 las vegas to phoenix, 91 in l.a., 80 in
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kansas city, and 90s in texas. we'll be in mid 70s here. low 60 out the door in town, high clouds filtering the sun's little bit. sirve at lunchtime issue a high of 75, tomorrow afternoon, there is a sim to the south, here comes that high from north. fight its off for saturday, sunshine, a few high clouds, more cloud cover for sunday. we'll see who winning the battle sunday night to monday. 62 in town tonight, preliminary -- tomorrow 75 is the high. perfect for the pope's visit. 80 for tuesday dhow, near that on wednesday, cooling down thursday. nice days coming up next week. steve: beautiful, the pope's visit was the bilge part that is great. >> reporter: terrific. >> family of yogi berra speaking about his passing we have that
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>> i am ines rosales with toyota traffic tracker. right lane will be closed tomorrow for construction from 10 to 2. street cleaning rules are suspended for religious observe cents observances, meter
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i work on the cheerios team and it's always bugged me that we couldn't say that, " cheerios are gluten free" . you know, cheerios are made from oats which are naturally gluten-free but sometimes grains that contain gluten get mixed so we came up with a way to remove them. which means now, everyone! just original cheerios? sweet! is anything bugging you now? (laughs) [ cheers and applause ] a wave of game-day excitement is rolling into dunkin'. taste the new tailgater breakfast sandwich, stacked with smoked sausage, fire-roasted peppers, and onions. america runs on dunkin'. dunkin' donuts' dark roast coffee is deliciously roasted for a bold start and smooth finish. ddperks members can get any size dark roast coffee for 99 cents. ddperks. that's loyalty.
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russ: yogi's 3 sons, his granddaughter as well. in little falls, new jersey, sharing their memories of what made yogi the special man he was. >> very religious, until he got sick, i don't think he missed a mass in 85 years. just, you know, just thank god me was my father. >> reporter: each of yogi's 3 sons had their own personal bond
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with their dad, for larry his name 6, and darrel, yankee pin stripes. darrel played for his dad in 19 84. >> one of the team leader, ron said, don't call your dad, skip. or manager, he your dad. and he -- they told, and you dad you call him dale, not one of the players, our relationship was one of father and son. anything other than that would have been contrived and the players would have sensed it. >> yogi berra pass away tuesday night, but his legacy lives on. a legacy that not only included playing during end of baseball a color barrier but forming friendships with many players, regardless of color. >> people ask what are you most proud of, he was on the right side of the color line when it was not the en vogue place to be
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>> a private funeral for yogi will be tuesday in his home town of montclair, new jersey, a public remembrance thursday at his museum. yogi looking down as they pay tribute to him at decideium tonight before the yankees game, white sox in the bronx. yankee beat white sox 3-2. mets magic number to begin was 5. taking on the reds. daniel murphy shoots one to right, granderson motors in to score, mets beat reds,ics and national lose, the number is down to 3. and giants on thursday night football, looking good, that first win is the way, giants -- they play on in 4th quarter.
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>> finally going to do it. >> one game at a time. >> thank you, ryan. >> house speaker john boehner is known as a better emotional guy. >> he cries a lot. steve: true to form, during pope francis' visit to capitol hill. he choked up during the speech to congress, he is tearing up gain, as pope spoke to the crowd outside of u.s. capitol, he is right there boehner a catholic, one of lawmakers that lobbied long and hard to get the pope to dc, tears did not get by the people on twitter. >> best thing on internet, john boehner's crying face. >> and john boehner crying one of the most things. >> he retweeted a post about his crying. best way come out on top with humor. a lot of people moved by the pope.
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>> absolutely. >> don't hold back. steve: i will tell you, i saw the pope drive by, you know 6:30, it was very exciting it is powerful thing in person. >> once in a lifetime, window down, waving it was invideo credible it was cool. >> that is it for us, back here bright and early tomorrow
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if you love shrimp like i love shrimp, red lobster's endless shrimp... kind of a big deal. it's finally back, with as much shrimp as you want, any way you want 'em. one taste of these new pineapple habanero coconut shrimp bites, and i already want more. they even brought back wood-grilled teriyaki shrimp! yeah, you heard me: teriyaki. and really: what's not to love about... ...buttery garlic shrimp scampi? here, the sweet, spicy, crispy possibilities are as endless as the shrimp. and yeah, they're endless,
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